
Working for a better future by improving access to education

Millions of children around the world are deprived an education. Our priority is to defend their right of access to learning !

We therefore work to remove the obstacles that frequently impede access to school or professional training for disadvantaged children. We pay particular attention to girls, because for them education means the real hope of a better future.

Our full commitment

The support we offer is long-term. It is tailored to the specific needs of local children and involves the local community. Our main aims are:

  • To guarantee a quality environment by building, renovating and equipping local schools
  • To meet basic needs by distributing supplies and uniforms and by paying for teaching and school meals
  • To enrich learning by setting up teaching projects

On every continent

11,000 children around the world already benefit from our education programmes. See our projects in more detail:

Actions on the ground
inde programme education
India : Education Programme
Our education programme in India has fostered the education of children in extremely vulnerable situations Discover the action
togo programme education
Togo: Education Programme
The education programme in Togo Discover the action
thailande programme education
Thailand: Education Program
La Chaîne de l’Espoir’s first education programme, initially targeted children from the slums of Bangkok Discover the action
nepal programme education
Nepal: Education Programme
La Chaîne de l’Espoir has been active in Nepal through its prevention by education programme Discover the action