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Triplets's celebrated their first birthday at FMIC in Kabul

The French medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC) and La Chaîne de l’Espoir proudly celebrated these triplets’ first birthday, at the heart of the hospital’s maternity ward.

Farah, Farzah and Farhad, one girl and two boys, were born in the new FMIC maternity on June 27, 2018. Triplets represent a difficult delivery: La Chaîne de l’Espoir and FMIC medical personal assisted throughout their birth. The new-borns babies were vigorous but small and required to be cared in Neonatal Care unit.

For their first year birthday, Agnès Simon, a French midwife who has long been supporting the FMIC maternity team, reminded everyone that the best place for babies is in the belly of their mother, yet there is a moment things have to change and we have to go out in the external world. This time, three came instead of one! It was fortunate this took place in the FMIC, as nobody, neither the mother nor the children, suffered from the birth in a country where such a pregnancy can lead to difficulties and even tragedies.

A privilege to meet these triplets again after a year

"As a midwife, it is such a privilege to meet these triplets again after a year, a privilege not so common as we usually lose track of them after a few days. Triplets in Afghanistan constitutes a real challenge, and it is very moving to see them grow", Agnès said.

The FMIC, which opened its doors back in 2005, opened its neonatology ward in 2016. Thanks to the work of Dr. Omid Faizi, head of the program, and of all of his team, Kabul now enjoys the capacity to bring to a full term these complicated pregnancies, and once again improves the state of medical healthcare for the Afghan People. Many thanks to them !

>> To know more about the French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC)